Home / DVC: Our Code of Ethics

DVC: Our Code of Ethics

Each employee of Diminished Value Carolina recognizes the precepts of personal integrity and professional competence as fundamental ethics, and as such he/she:

  • SHALL always conduct himself or herself in a responsible and professional manner and use fair and equitable business practices when rendering appraisal services;
  • SHALL encourage and promote the highest level of ethical and professional conduct within the appraisal profession;
  • SHALL strive to maintain proficiency by updating his or her appraisal knowledge and skills as required to professionally perform as an appraiser of personal property;
  • SHALL not make perform unethical acts which would discredit the profession, the Association or any of its members;
  • SHALL recognize and discharge his or her responsibility to uphold all laws and regulations including those governing the policies and activities of the appraisal profession and the appraisal assignment at hand;
  • SHALL not engage in criminal conduct;
  • SHALL offer opinions which are objective, impartial and unbiased;
  • SHALL decline those assignments in which the appraiser has a bias towards the client or towards the property being appraised;
  • SHALL undertake only those assignments for which he or she is competent by virtue of his or her knowledge, training and experience;
  • SHALL engage or advise the engagement of such specialists as are required to enable him or her to complete assignments competently;
  • SHALL have no undisclosed past, present or contemplated future financial interest in the property that is the subject of the appraisal report, and no undisclosed personal interest with respect to the parties involved;
  • SHALL protect to the fullest extent possible, consistent with the well-being of the public, any information given in confidence by a client;
  • SHALL not accept an assignment that includes the reporting of predetermined opinions or conclusions;
  • SHALL not advocate the cause or interest of any party or issue;
  • SHALL not communicate assignment results with the intent to mislead of to defraud, or permit others to do so;
  • SHALL not accept a fee that is contingent on the his or her opinion of value;
  • SHALL not communicate assignment results in a misleading or fraudulent manner;
  • SHALL not misrepresent his or her role when providing valuation services that are outside of appraisal practice;
  • SHALL write appraisal reports in conformance with The Appraisal Foundation’s Uniform Standard of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
  • SHALL comply with the provisions of this CODE OF ETHICS.

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